tags - tool
Embedding GIFs
Hey look! A new post Yeah I’m moving the discussion about how I embed tenor GIFs out of the FSMs versus Behaviour Trees page to make that page more readable and make a coherent page for different approaches to embedding gifs easily. As of writing, I’m adding a third recipe here
Indie Game Design Using Obsidian
This guide is primarily aimed at game developers who may not have explored options for project organization and management. If that’s not you, enjoy learning about my personal workflow
Obsidian, a note-taking app with (mostly) good features As much as I do love FOSS (Free and Open Source Software), Obsidian is my
Behaviour Trees versus State Machines
I’m trying out a different layout for this post so the text is easier
Godot SDF Gen
Tool Overview Godot SDF Gen is a small tool I made for myself and others to easily generate “Signed Distance Field” textures, which can be used to create a variety of fun effects. Purposes I wanted to create a small, useful tool with the Godot Game Engine. Although largely marketed as a game