tags - godot

Choreographer Design Documentation
Read time 10 minutes

Blog Post Note

Update (August 24th, 2024): This effort/project has since been abandoned. However anyone wishing to take this idea further is quite welcome to!

Hey, this is the same markdown that is in the choreographer git repository. And one is significantly more likely to be updated. This is the version that

Godot Engine Editor Icon Colours
Read time 9 minutes

Colours LUT The markdown doesn’t really support custom colours, so see below for examples. (dark reader users make sure you disable it for this website if you wanna see accurate colours!!!!) Hex LightHex DarkEngine Name #478cbf#478cbfGodot Blue #414042#414042Godot Gray #000000#bfbfbfPure black #ff0000#ff0000Pure red #00ff00#00ff00Pure green #0000ff#0000ffPure blue #808080#808080GUI disabled color #b3b3b3#363636GUI disabled light color #699ce8#699ce8GUI highlight color #f9f9f9#606060Scrollbar grabber highlight color #fc7f7f#cd3838Spatial #8da5f3#3d64dd2D #4b70ea#1a3eac2D Dark #8eef97#2fa139Control #003e7a#2b74bbSelection

Shell Fur Breakdown
Shell Fur Breakdown
Read time 15 minutes

What happened??? Well you see a little youtuber called “Acerola” made a little video and put out a challenge. As a creature fueled by an unholy combination of caffeine and raw impulse, I had to take on this “Acerola Furry Challenge” and exceed. The Challenge Acerola’s original video did a breakdown for how

Godot Lighting Exploration
Godot Lighting Exploration
Read time 5 minutes

The goal I recently competed in Ludum Dare 54 (theme “Limited Space”). One of the problems players have mentioned is the poor performance. Mainly this is due to heavy leaning on VoxelGI and SDFGI which are Godot’s premier techniques for rendering realtime global illumination. What I wanted out of this is