Embedding GIFs


tech discussion guide tool

Hey look! A new post

Yeah I’m moving the discussion about how I embed tenor GIFs out of the FSMs versus Behaviour Trees page to make that page more readable and make a coherent page for different approaches to embedding gifs easily. As of writing, I’m adding a third recipe here so hopefully this is appreciated.

GIF Embedding

In Jekyll


<div style="margin: auto; width: {{ include.width }}; border: 3px solid black; padding: 10px;">
  data_postid="{{ include.data_postid }}" 
  data_aspect_ratio="{{ include.data_aspect_ratio }}" 
        <a href="{{ include.url }}"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://tenor.com/embed.js"></script>
    {% if include.caption %}}

 <i> {{ include.caption }} </i>

 {% endif %}

Then in any article (or page) I can just use:

{% include tenor.html data_postid="THE-POST-ID" data_aspect_ratio="ASPECT" width="DESIRED-WIDTH" url='EMBED-URL' caption="OPTIONAL-CAPTION" %}

the three values are stripped from the embed code for the gif: data_postid, data_aspect_ratio, and url. Those ensure the image is actually loaded. Then width controls how wide on the screen they are. I prefer 50% for my gifs in this article. The the caption is an optional tag that will add some text below the gif.

In Hugo

For Hugo you need to use shortcodes. Which are not terribly different from Jekyll’s includes.


<div style="margin: auto; width: {{ .Get "width" }}; border: 3px solid black; padding: 10px;">
  data_postid="{{ .Get "data_postid" }}"
  data_aspect_ratio="{{ .Get "data_aspect_ratio" }}"
  <a href="{{ .Get "url" }}"></a>
 <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://tenor.com/embed.js"/></script>
{{ if .Get "fallback" }}
  <img src="{{ .Get "fallback" }}"/>
{{ else }}
    <b>No fallback provided!</b>
{{ end }}
   <b>GIF embed failed. </b>
   <a href="{{ .Get "url" }}">Click to view source.</a>
{{ if .Get "caption" }}
 <b>Caption: </b>
 <i> {{ .Get "caption" }} </i>
{{ end }}

And loading the shortcode can be done in different ways (line breaks are ignored with Hugo’s shortcodes). Note that a space between {{ and < is only present because it would otherwise be rendered as normal in this page.

Easier to read:

{{ < tenor 
 caption="Goku from Dragon Ball Z power up to 'super saiyin'" 


{{ < tenor data_postid="8246706" data_aspect_ratio="1.43103" width="50%" url='https://tenor.com/view/anime-goku-dbz-dragon-ball-super-saiyan-gif-8246706' caption="Goku from Dragon Ball Z power up to 'super saiyin'" fallback="https://media.tenor.com/XfrqyR_-jzIAAAAC/anime-goku.gif" >}}

In Zola

Yet another update to this. Zola has a templating system much more similar to Jekyll than hugo. One step forwards; two steps back 😅


<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-items: center; align-items: center; ">
    <div class="{% if background %} bg-{{background}} {% else %} bg-secondary {% endif %} rounded"
        style="width: 50%; padding: .5rem;">
        <div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="{{ data_postid }}" data-share-method="host"
            data-aspect-ratio="{{ data_aspect_ratio }}" data-width="100%">

        <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://tenor.com/embed.js">
            <img src="{{ fallback }}" />
                <a href="{{ url }}">
                    <b>GIF embed fallback in use. </b>
    <div class="{% if background %} btn-{{background}} {% else %} btn-secondary {% endif %} rounded-bottom"
        style="padding: .5rem; max-width: 45%;">
        <b>Caption: </b>
        <i>{{ caption }}</i>
<br />